What is business coaching?
Good coaching is about achieving a high-performance culture, about focusing on the strengths of a team or individual – the assets that enable peak performance. It is about challenging people to challenge themselves and helping them to realise how great they can be.
Coaching in business has the potential to transform individuals’ performance and organisations’ success. Coaching aims to develop an individual’s performance by unlocking their capabilities through guided conversation and questioning. Coaching enables managers to find business solutions using their own resources and as such it can be a powerful tool for organisational development.
Coaching has been described as: “unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance.” It is “helping them to learn rather than teaching them,” (Gallwey, 1975); “a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve,” (Parsloe, 1999).
Coaching can be tailored to your specific personal requirements whether you need 1 to 1 executive coaching, team coaching or performance coaching. Working with you to gather an understanding of the improvements required and setting you goals and targets to work towards and achieve.